Kamis, 20 Juni 2024

OOTD: He Is Legend

Here's on of those posts where I wear clothes and strike dodgy and awkward poses! I did, however, have some fun taking these pictures - especially since my tripod has vanished and I had to use a toddler's patio table in its place...Gotta be inventive sometimes, folk!

TOP - He Is Legend gig
SHORTS - Primark
BOOTS - Missguided
BRACELET - Actually a necklace, from Primark
SASS - All mine

Sometimes shorts are just denim underwear, aren't they? I mean - when did it become all hunky dory to stroll about in shorts that just about cover your butt? Who knows. Who cares! Combine with a band shirt, fishnets, a choker and some boots and you're good to go!

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What's your take on short shorts? Are you a band shirt fiend, too? Let me know! Comments up top!

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Rabu, 19 Juni 2024

Why Beauty Blogging Was Important to Me, and Why It Isn't So Much Now

Following on from my post on feeling lost in the world of blogging, I've been trying to work out just exactly where I stand and how I feel about my place in the beauty blogging world. I know, I know, that sounds melodramatic, but honestly, I don't think you can understand the attachment we bloggers have with our blogs and the blogging community unless you're a blogger yourself! But when you feel totally disenchanted, lost and (frankly) uninterested, where do you fit into the equation? Is it time to take yourself out of it? Then I saw this quote on Instagram...

Remember why you started. Well, why did I start beauty blogging? I was young, in college studying media make-up and totally enthralled with everything makeup and beauty. Makeup was truly an art form to me, it was self expression, it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to improve my 'natural beauty' - to me, 'natural' or 'neutral' makeup was the definition of dull. Everything seemed magical, fascinating - I spent all of my free time playing with makeup, talking my friends into modelling for me, posting to online makeup forums and watching Youtube tutorial and I never got tired of it.  Then, one day, I stumbled upon Lipglossiping - the first UK beauty blog I had come across. I spent hours and hours reading through as far back as I could, this magical makeup world seemingly opening up even further with every mention of a product or brand I'd never come across before. I realised there must be even more UK people out there as hooked on beauty as I was, and right then, I decided to make a blog.

Those first few years were incredible. I loved everything to do with blogging - planning posts, photographing products, writing, reading everyone else's posts, keeping up with the latest products - it was so insanely fun it was all I thought about! I loved casual Twitter chit chats with other bloggers, replying to all the comments from readers, even emails from people asking advice! 

So, to sum it up, I began because I LOVED makeup, I LOVED blogging and I LOVED the community. But these days...well, everything has changed - and no, I don't just mean in the blogging world, I mean personally, too.

These days I barely wear makeup, I'd definitely not just do it for fun like I would back then! I have a drawer rammed full of crazy bright eyeshadows that I used to wear almost daily, but now I just grab whichever neutral palette is closest. The idea of spending an hour or so on some intricate look makes me feel more 'ugh' than 'YAY!' and I'd rather spend dollar on clothes, books and fitness than the latest release from whatever new brand. Getting glammed up to just sit at home feels more depressing than fun and when I write, instead of it sounding enthusiastic and full of personality, I can't help but feel it comes across as flat and bland (so three cheers for you if you're still reading!)

There's also the whole 'adulting' thing, which makes the time you "have to" put into blogging so much more valuable when there's 'real life' stuff to worry about which you never had to think about as a young blogger - work, building your skills for work, job hunting, networking, keeping your finances in check, keeping appointments, making sure you see x or y family member or friend. I admit I now feel a pang of guilt if I'm writing about a lipstick instead of brushing up on a new piece of software, fixing my work portfolio or checking for job listings - but that is real life, that is the stage of life I'm at right now.

So really, beauty blogging isn't that important to me now because...well, I grew up. I'm no longer that bright eyed 16 year old entirely amazed by new MAC releases, daydreaming about working with Pat McGrath and spending every waking moment doing makeup. I'm a slightly stressed 23 year old who spends more time writing food plans, wandering through museums and reading up on history. 

Life is wonderful in its unpredictability - it's exciting and unnerving at the same time. It changes, we change, and I've learnt we can either accept this or keep trying to jam ourselves into a mold which we've simply outgrown. So for now I will keep wandering, a bit lost, debating writing about a new topic - but that's entirely okay, after all, you miss all the fun when you stick to a set path, right?!

Are you still as passionate now as you were when you started beauty blogging? Has a new interest taken its place? Do you think feel a bit guilty writing blog posts instead of 'adulting' too? Let me know! Comments up top!

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Selasa, 18 Juni 2024

REVIEW: A Thorough and Honest Look at Skinnymint 28 Day Teatox

If you've been wondering about trying Skinnymint but the amount of sponsored posts has you unsure about who you can trust and who has actually bothered to look into the real pros and cons - welcome, my friends, to a full, thorough, honest, unsponsored review of Skinnymint 28 Day Teatox.

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

I'm going to start by saying that I was sent these products to review, but that's never swayed me to review things certain ways before and it wont now! So lets begin...

What is the Skinnymint 28 Day Teatox?
The 28 day teatox consists of drinking two varieties of tea - one 'Morning Boost' which is drank each morning to give you a bit of pep and energy. 'Night Cleanse' is drank last thing in the evening every second night, to help 'flush out toxins' and remedy bloating and constipation (basically, it makes you poop.) For $54.90 (USD), you receive 28 morning tea bags and 14 night time tea bags.

The aim of 'teatoxing' is to 'help boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, reduce bloating and burn fat'. 
The teas are drank alongside whatever you usually eat, and can simply replace your usual morning and evening drinks.

What is in the Teas?
Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review


Morning Boost is primarily a green tea blend, with over half the contents of each teabag being green tea leaves. Green tea is a well known aid when it comes to weight loss, helping to boost the metabolism and burn fat more efficiently (with at least 3 cups consumed daily) although not all studies agree on this. Since green tea contain caffeine, it will also give you that slight caffeine 'buzz' or boost you might get from your regular black coffee.

Alongside green tea, we have yerba mate, another metabolism boosting tea which is also said to be able to stem your appetite and make you feel fuller for longer as it slows digestion. The caffeine content in yerba mate is also fairly high - again, adding to that boost Skinnymint have blended 'Morning Boost' for.
Next up, we have to ingredients well known for their diuretic (makes you pee) properties - nettle leaves and dandelion. Both nettle and dandelion have been used for centuries to help with digestive health - nettle is particularly good for stomach discomforts as it also happens to be a mild natural painkiller. 

Guarana also plays a part in that 'boost' - considering it contains twice the caffeine content of coffee. All together, however, 'Morning Boost' contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee.
After all of these, we have grapefruit leaves, pineapple and strawberry. Skinnymint list a few benefits of these on the ingredients page, but honestly, I think they're just there to give a bit of aroma and flavour!

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

Night Cleanse is a senna tea, supported by a host of other ingredients which boost senna's main property as a laxative. Now, senna is pretty darn strong stuff! It is the most used natural laxative in the world and senna teas should not be consumed by anyone with digestive issues unless your doctor thinks it could benefit you. Long term consumption (generally considered 2 weeks of longer) of senna can have a negative effect on your digestive system, actually making it dependent on senna to function properly. It is, therefore, quite interesting that Skinnymint sell a senna product they recommend taking every two days for four weeks. On their FAQ page, they actually suggest 'experienced teatoxers' might try taking 'Night Cleanse' daily - not a good idea! 

Following from senna we have ginger root - another well known player in the world of digestive health. Skinnymint were quite clever in including this guy, as ginger will help in soothing the digestive tracts after senna has done its thing by irritating them. Gingers soothing properties has actually made it quite popular with those who suffer with irritable bowel syndrome!
Peppermint leaf is a genuine wonder ingredient and peppermint tea is something I've actually drank for years. It's brilliant for stomach aches and cramps. Peppermint is also a great aid in stopping bloating, as it helps you rid excess gas (yup, burping and farting - better out than in) which can make your stomach appear flatter.

Licorice root and psyllium husk are both included in the mix, licorice for its ability to soothe the stomach no doubt, and psyllium for its fiber and colon cleansing power. We also have hawthorn berry thrown in, which helps with anxiety, insomnia and mood-swings.

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

How do they taste?
'Morning Blend' tastes like fruity green tea, as you might expect! Truth be told, I didn't like green tea at all before starting the teatox and now I actually quite enjoy it. The trick is NOT to brew it in boiling water, as that creates the nasty bitter taste I'm sure more than a handful of us associate with green tea.
'Night Cleanse' is pretty darn gingery, which makes it taste very warming and soothing. Ginger is the only flavour I get from this, then again, it is the strongest spice so it's to be expected. 
If either tea isn't to your taste, you can always add lemon or other citrus fruit, mint, herbs, cinnamon or honey to the blend without hindering their diuretic/ laxative properties. They can also be prepared in advance, kept in the fridge and served with ice.

Are they Convenient?
I'm a regular tea drinker and have enjoyed herbal teas since I was a kid, so for me the only difference has been which tea bags I use! The seal up packets are handy and make the teas easy to travel with or store neatly away.

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

How Strong are the Diuretic and Laxative Effects?
I am more or less constantly peeing these days - it's pretty annoying, especially if you have 'Morning Boost' before you plan on doing a workout! Have you ever walked/ jogged on a treadmill for 40 minutes while in dire need of a pee? I have, it's not fun! It also means I'm drinking more, as it's easy to become dehydrated while taking diuretics, which again leads to peeing more! I'd think twice about drinking 'Morning Boost' if I knew I'd be out and about without easy toilet access for the morning.
The laxative effects of 'Night Cleanse' take place 6 - 12 hours after drinking the tea, you will NOT wake up suddenly in the night with the urge to go to the loo (or worse!) Again, I wouldn't take 'Night Cleanse' if I was going out within those hours without knowing if I'd easily get to the loo.

Do they Detox?
No. I don't know when this idea that peeing, pooing or sweating more than usual help to 'detox' the body became such a big thing, but it's a load of rubbish. Lets talk about why.

The human body has evolved in a way which means that basically whatever the hell we throw at it - be it drinking excessive amount of alcohol, binging on junk food night after night or heck, even something more hardcore - it can get rid of any harmful chemicals or toxins very effectively. Your body is ALWAYS detoxing itself naturally, it was designed to. If you really want to help your body in this process, it's very simple indeed -

1. Drink more water.
2. Drink less alcohol.
3. Eat less crap.
4. Get your 8 hours sleep a night.

You do NOT need fancy teas. You do NOT need a daft diet. You do NOT need to go bake in a sauna. You do NOT need wraps to make you sweat. You just need to live healthily - it's that simple!

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

What's the Science of Skinnymint?

Skinnymint says it was 'scientifically designed', yet strangely provides no evidence of this. I would at least expect links to studies on the various ingredients, but nope, none of that. However, I do recommend researching such products independently as businesses can pick and choose which studies they link to, meaning you only see the rainbows and sunshines studies they want you to!
It's also worth noting that the statements made by Skinnymint about the benefits of their teas are not currently approved by the FDA.

So...Would I Recommend Skinnymint?
Lets look at the aims of Skinnymint -

Help Boost Your Metabolism - 'Morning Boost' does contain metabolism boosting ingredients, although more studies are needed on both green tea AND yerba mate to confirm their effects on the metabolism. Have I experienced any excess fat loss since starting Skinnymint which could be attributed to a heightened metabolism? Honestly, I couldn't say, as I have been doing an intensive fitness regime and eating super clean - both of which should aid fat loss, too, so I couldn't pick apart what the tea and what working out would be responsible for!

Flush Out Toxins - No, no, no, 1000x no. Just stop. Special teas will be no more helpful in this than drinking and eating right!

Reduce Bloating - Truth be told, I have noticed my stomach is flatter since starting the teatox, but 
again, this could be down to exercise and eating clean. I've also stopped eating 'heavy carbs', refined sugars and excess salt - all of which contribute to bloating.

Fat Burning - This links in with boosting metabolism, as I'm afraid wonder ingredients which melt the fat off you just don't exist. If you want to burn fat and temporarily boost your metabolism, try high intensity interval training!

Lose Weight - Surely this is the same as the fat burning claim...? Otherwise, we're talking water weight which fluctuates day to day anyway, or muscle - which you really don't want to lose!

Reduce Appetite - I have a low appetite anyway, but I haven't noticed a change in it at all. If anything, the exercise I've been doing has made me slightly hungrier than usual.

Increase Energy - I do feel I have a bit of pep after 'Morning Boost' for an hour or two, but otherwise I've actually been more tired than usual recently. I was ill last week, however, so I could just still be getting over that.

Improve Digestion - I'm very lucky that I've never had digestive issues, even when I ate meat in Asia from street stands after four years being veggie I never had so much as a stomach ache! Maybe that means I'm not quite the ideal person to comment on improved digestion, then, but 'Night Cleanse' sure gets things moving... 

Also realise that any benefits from Skinnymint you might experience will only be felt DURING the teatox. Afterwards, your bloating will return and your metabolism will go back to normal (if it even changed.) This means Skinnymint is best for a 'quick fix' like I mentioned earlier - holidays, weddings etc.

Thorough Honest Unsponsored Skinnymint Teatox Detox Review

Now lets look at the price, the 28 day teatox will set you back $54.90 (US) - that's £35.40 with FREE shipping worldwide. That equates to $13.72 per week (£8.80.) If we look at the ingredients which do the most work - that's quite pricey! There are cheaper options out there that will do the exact same thing. 


Is it healthy to take diuretics and laxatives for four weeks? Probably not. I've already mentioned how 'Morning Boost' can make me feel a bit dehydrated and how your body can become reliant on senna is a short amount of time. It's always best to leave your body to do its thing naturally, and only add aids if it GENUINELY needs it and after talking to a doctor.

So would I recommend Skinnymint? No. It's expensive for what it is, its effects are not proven (and if they were, you could get the same effects from different products for cheaper), it's a quick and temporary fix to problems that can be solved with healthy eating and exercise and it claims to 'flush out toxins' when all your body really needs to help with that is water and clean eating... 

Save your money - pop to the supermarket to buy a box of green tea for a few quid instead, your wallet and your body will thank you for it!

* Products received for review purposes. Opinions 100% my own and 100% honest, as always! *
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Minggu, 16 Juni 2024

DIY Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots!

Hampers are one of the easiest, prettiest ways to create and give a personlised gift for Christmas (or any occasion) and what's more they're fun to make and can be adjusted to suit ANYONE'S tastes! So, if you've been looking to make a special present this Christmas, why not let Boots and I give you a few ideas for a gorgeous beauty hamper as well as step by step instructions!

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots

A box of some description (a shoe box will do!)
Wrapping paper
Old news paper
Crepe paper
Sellotape or double sided tape
Gift tag
All your chosen fillers!
30 minutes to spare

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots

First, cover your box in wrapping paper and tape it down securely (the one I used is from Asda.) Then fill the base with screwed up paper (Boots suggest using shredded paper, but I found it squished too much when I added the gifts), cover with crepe paper and add your gifts.  

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots
Wrapped box with crepe paper over screwed up paper - much sturdier! 

Place any heavy or bulky items in the front, and use either rolled up sellotape or double sided tape to secure them - simple!

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots
Gifts added! I think this selection would be *perfect* for a student! 

Next wrap the box in cellophane as if you were wrapping a regular gift, tie a ribbon around, add a decorative bow, a gift tag and you're done! Excellent!

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots
 Different gift ideas - this selection would be lovely for a trendy Mum (or even Gran!)

When purchasing your fillers, try to think how it will all fit in - a large item, small item and a couple minis (like nail polishes) will do the trick. Any odd looking gaps can always be filled with wrapped sweeties, after all...

DIY Christmas Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots

I am awful at gift wrapping so I'm quite amazed it actually came out looking so pretty (if I do say so myself...) Boots even sell gift wrapping items so you can get everything BUT the actual box in one shopping trip - awesome! Don't forget that Boots also have a free 'Collect in Store' option, so you can shop online and pop down to your nearest store to pick it all up instead of battling the Chrismas crowds.


If you're interested in making a beauty hamper gift box, check out Boot's instruction page or video (above) for full instructions, tips and ideas.

Overall a really lovely, unique gift idea which is also a lot of fun to create - perfect!

Items included were provided for PR purposes. All opinions 100% my own - as always.

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Jumat, 14 Juni 2024

mini skirt crochet pattern (winx club inspired!)

Hi everyone, here's a super cute pattern for a skirt that's sort of inspired by the mini skirts worn in winx club! 

A note on the pattern: I created this pattern for my friend (a beginner crocheter) who wanted to learn how to crochet a mini skirt. This was her first project and I helped her along the way with in-person demonstrations. If you're a beginner too, I've tried to explain the steps in as much detail as possible but to be able to make this, you should know how to make a slip knot, chain, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, and slip stitch. I have not included measurements since this piece is a made-to-measure project, so please keep trying the skirt on and seeing how it looks while working. That being said, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Please tag me in your creations (or send me a picture!) and feel free to DM me on Instagram (@mahumcrochets) if you have any questions.

Materials & Terminology:

I used a 4.5 mm hook, a thicker yarn (green), and a slightly thinner yarn (magenta). Abbreviations: SC - single crochet, DC - double crochet, HDC - half double crochet, SS - slip stitch, CH - chain.

I've divided the skirt is divided into 3 parts. In summary, for the body of the skirt, we'll be crocheting in a round, for the ribbing, we'll be working into the back loops only, and for the ruffles, we'll be doing some increases.

Part 1: The body

Foundation chain: start by making a slip knot and chain till the chains can fit around your hips/waist, ss into the first ch you made. Next, you'll be working in rounds to crochet the body.

Round 1: start your first round with ch 2, insert 1 dc into every ch around the round, when you reach the end of the round - ss into the top of the ch 2 that you made at the start. 

Round 2 onwards: start each round with ch 2, then insert 1 dc into every stitch around the round, end the round with a ss into the top of the ch 2 that you made at the start.

Keep crocheting rows till the body is the size that you want. For reference, the skirt in the picture is made up of 15 rounds. Do not fasten off when you're done! We will crochet the ruffles directly onto the body by starting a new round.

Part 2: The ruffles

Start your next round just like the others with ch 2, repeat the pattern in asterisks till the end of the round *5 dc into the same stitch, 1 dc*, end the round with a ss into the top of the ch 2.

Part 3: The ribbing (you could also watch this video)

Start with a slip knot and ch till you have the height you want, sc into the 2nd ch from your hook, sc till the end of the row, ch 1 (this is your turning chain, don't sc into it) and turn your work, sc into the back loops of every stitch till the end of the row, ch and turn your work and keep inserting 1 sc into the back loops of every stitch till the length of the ribbing is long enough to wrap around the main body (I recommend making it slightly shorter than the body for a nicer look).

Part 4: Adding a border with another color

Attach the color you want into any one of the stitches with a knot, pull up a loop and ch 2, hdc into every stitch around the round, ss into the ch 2 to end the round, ch 1 or 2 to fasten off and cut. Do this for both the top of the ribbing and the bottom of the ruffles.

Part 5: Putting it all together

You can sew or crochet the ribbing and body together, here are the steps if you want to crochet it together. First, turn the skirt inside out. Then, use stitch markers (or bobby pins if you don't have those!) to loosely connect the wrong side of the ribbing to the skirt by placing a few bobby pins/stitch markers into the stitches of both together (this makes it easier to crochet around both pieces). Insert your hook through the stitches of both the body and ribbing and ss to connect, do this all around. Once you're finished, ss into the first stitch you made, ch 1 or 2 to fasten off and cut, weave in your ends, and turn your skirt inside out back to the right side. 

And you're done!

I hope you found this pattern helpful, I'm still in the process of learning and trying to navigate the crochet community, so I'd love feedback from you! Please let me know what could've been improved or just your general thoughts on the pattern. I can't wait to see what you all create, don't forget to tag me on Instagram, and happy crocheting!


Selasa, 11 Juni 2024

it ends with us inspired book sleeve (crochet pattern/tutorial)

Hi everyone! So many of you asked me to crochet a book sleeve and here's my attempt at crocheting one inspired by It Ends With Us. I'm not completely happy with the result, but I'll be turning this into a series where I crochet book sleeves/covers inspired by some books I love, so many more bookish projects are coming in the future!

A note on this pattern: I've included step-by-step instructions for how I made the book sleeve part but the lily flower charm is not my original design! I've included the link to the youtube tutorial I followed to make it as well as some details related to that part. With this pattern, I'm taking credit for the way in which I crocheted the book sleeve and the idea behind it, NOT the lily flower. That being said, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Please tag me in your creations (or send me a picture!) and feel free to DM me on Instagram (@mahumcrochets) if you have any questions.

Materials & Terminology:

I used a 4.5 mm hook, off-white and light pink yarn appropriate for that hook size, and a thinner magenta yarn. Abbreviations: HDC - half double crochet, SS - slip stitch, CH - chain.

Part 1: The sleeve
Start by making a slipknot and chain the length of your book's spine, hdc into the second ch from your hook till the end of the row, when you reach the last ch space - hdc 3 into the same ch, now you'll be working on the other side of your chains not on top of the hdc row that you just made, insert 1 hdc into every ch till the end of the row, when you reach the space where you inserted your very first hdc in the beginning - insert 2 more hdc into the same space (total 3 hdc in that space), now you'll be working in rounds without any increases or chains in between - keep inserting 1 hdc into every stitch till the sleeve is as big as you want.

Part 2: The flower & leaf charm
I used a thicker light pink yarn first and followed this tutorial for 2 rows of petals: click here.

For the magenta part, I used a thinner yarn and did the following steps that are similar to what's shown in the tutorial but decreased them to make the center part smaller: start with a magic ring, ch 2, hdc 6 into the magic ring, ss into the top of the ch 2, ch 4, ss into the 2nd ch from your hook, ss into the other 2 chains, repeat the steps in asterisks around the round *ss into the front loop of the hdc stitch, ch 4, ss into the 2nd ch from your hook, ss into the other 2 chains*, ss into the first stitch you made, ch 1 or 2 to fasten off and cut.

I followed this tutorial for the leaf: click here. When you're done, sew the pieces in the center of your book sleeve (you just have to sew the middle of the flower on your sleeve). 

Part 3: The border and clasp
Attach your border yarn color to any stitch with a knot, insert 1 hdc into every stitch around the round, ss into the first hdc you made, ss in every hdc stitch that you made around the sleeve till you reach the part where you want to add your clasp, ch the length you want for the clasp, leave a bit of gap and ss back into the hdc stitches, continue ss around the sleeve till you reach the first ss you made, ch 1 or 2 to fasten off and cut.

And you're done!

I hope you found this pattern helpful, I'm still in the process of learning and trying to navigate the crochet community, so I'd love feedback from you! Please let me know what could've been improved or just your general thoughts on the pattern. I can't wait to see what you all create, don't forget to tag me on Instagram, and happy crocheting!


how to crochet a cute bucket hat of any size (customisable & beginner friendly pattern)

Hi everyone! With this pattern, you can crochet yourself or your pets (or stuffed animals!) a bucket hat with a really cute frilly trim. 

A note on the pattern for beginners:

This summer, I had the opportunity to teach an in-person crochet course to a group of lovely girls at Wild About Art Co studio in Bahrain. All of them were complete beginners when I taught them how to make this bucket hat, so if you're a beginner, you can make this too. You can see how their hats turned out in the picture above! Using what I learned from teaching them, I adjusted this pattern to make it even easier. You do not need to know how to make or work with a magic ring! I understand how confusing and frustrating magic rings can be for beginners, that's why I've included an easier alternative for which you just need to chain and slip stitch for. I've also included extra commentary and tried to explain things in as much detail as I can, I hope that helps you create this bucket hat and I'm so glad that I get to be a part of your crochet journey!

Here are a few things to keep in mind while using this pattern:

To make this, you should know how to make a slip knot, chain, double crochet, and slip stitch. Apart from that, I have included step-by-step instructions for crocheting in a round and how to increase stitches. That being said, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Please tag me in your creations (or send me a picture!) and feel free to DM me on Instagram (@mahumcrochets) if you have any questions.

Materials & Terminology:

I used a 4.5 mm hook and 2 yarn colors appropriate for that hook size. Abbreviations: CH - chain, DC - double crochet, SS - slip stitch, increase - insert 2 stitches into the same stitch (explained further in the pattern too).

Part 1: The crown (top of the bucket hat)

Round 1 (total 10 stitches) - [if you know how to make a magic ring, please skip the steps in pink and instead just make a magic ring] start by making a slip knot and ch 5, ss into the first ch that you made (this will make a circle in between your chains, you can use this method as a substitute for magic ring), ch 2 and insert 10 dc into your circle, insert the hook into the top of the ch 2 you made at the beginning and ss to end the round.

Round 2 (total 20 stitches) -  start the next round with ch 2, from now on you're going to be working into the dc stitches made in the previous rounds, insert 2 dc into the same stitch for every stitch around the round (inserting 2 stitches into the same stitch is called an increase), ss into the top of the ch 2 to end the round.

Round 3 (total 30 stitches) - start the next round with ch 2, repeat the pattern in asterisks all around the round * dc, increase (for beginners: insert 2 dc into the same stitch)*, ss into the top of the ch 2 to end the round.

Round 4 (total 40 stitches) - start the next round with ch 2, repeat the pattern in asterisks all around the round * dc, dc, increase*, ss into the top of the ch 2 to end the round.

Round 5 (total 50 stitches) -  start the next round with ch 2, repeat the pattern in asterisks all around the round * dc, dc, dc, increase*, ss into the top of the ch 2 to end the round.

TO CUSTOMISE THE SIZE: keep doing rounds until the top of your bucket hat is as big as your head (or your pet's or whoever you're making it for!). As you continue doing the rounds for the top part, add 1 more dc to the pattern in asterisks before your increase each time. So for example, in round 6, you would do *dc, dc, dc, dc, increase*. Don't forget to ch 2 before you start your next round and ss into the top of the ch 2 to end each round. For reference, my students and I did 6-8 rounds for our hats + I did 3 rounds for my kitten's hat.

Part 2: The body

For the body, you don't have to do any increases in the rounds. Start each round with a ch 2, insert 1 dc into every stitch around the round, end with a ss into the top of the ch 2. Do as many rounds as needed to fit your head.

Part 3: The frilly brim & other customizations

Round 1: after finishing the rounds for the body of the hat, start the next round with a ch 2, insert 1 dc into the BACK LOOPS only of every stitch around the round, end the round with a ss into the top of the ch 2. Crocheting in the back loops makes the frill part of your hat curve outwards!

For the next rounds, we will follow the same technique as the crown of the hat.

Round 2: start with a ch2, repeat the pattern in asterisks till the end of the round *dc, dc, increase*, ss to end the round.

Round 3 onwards: start the rounds with a ch 2, as you continue doing the rounds, add 1 more dc to the pattern in asterisks before your increase each time. For example, in round 3 the pattern will be *dc, dc, dc, increase*, end with a ss into the top of the ch 2.

CUSTOMIZATIONS: to create a border around your hat - attach a different colored yarn into any stitch at the brim with a knot, ch 1 and insert 1 single crochet into every stitch around the brim. if you want a thicker border, ch 2 and insert 1 dc into every stitch instead. To end the border, ss into the first ch you made and ch 1 or 2 to fasten off and cut. Alternatively, you could also make the frill section of the hat a completely different color (like the blue/pink hat shown in the cover picture above). To do that, fasten off the color you were using for the body first, then attach the different colored yarn into any stitch before you start the frill part!

And you're done!

I hope you found this pattern helpful, I'm still in the process of learning and trying to navigate the crochet community, so I'd love feedback from you! Please let me know what could've been improved or just your general thoughts on the pattern. I can't wait to see what you all create, don't forget to tag me on Instagram, and happy crocheting!
